Every time I drive to Ellensburg (30 minutes east of Cle Elum) to go to Fred Meyer or the doctor, I see Valley Christian School, which has been closed as long as I've lived here. There is a big 'For Sale' sign out front. Cle Elum only has one public school and it's not what we want for our family so when I found out I was pregnant, (which meant I drove by A LOT to go to the doctor) I would fervently pray for God to let someone buy the school, so my babies could attend when they're older.
About a month ago, I heard that pesky little voice say, "You need to do it." Really?! Yikes.
I came home and told Kevin what I thought God was asking of me. He calmly looked at me like I was nuts and said, "Alright." I told him that we will probably go broke. He said, "We already are." He suggested I talk to our Pastor. If any of you know our Pastor, Ron Vanlandingham, you know that he is one of the most genuine, hard-working, supportive people in the world. He stopped by for coffee the next morning (Coincidence? I think not.) and I dropped the bomb.
"I think God is telling me to start a Christian school. Am I crazy?"
He says, "What can I do? You can use the church to get started."
Around the first of the year, I started reading the Bible from the beginning. I have made it through Genesis and Exodus. I never liked the Old Testament before. I guess I thought it was boring, or scary or something. Now it is like a Twilight book that I can't put down.
Yes, I just said that.
It talks about ordinary people who have extraordinary faith in God. He gives them these seemingly impossibly tasks and through their faith in Him, they accomplish incredible things. Another coincidence? I don't think so.
It absolutely amazes me how the Lord is in control of everything. From laying this on my heart to my Pastor stopping by to reading Genesis and Exodus. It was not just luck that I read stories about Noah obeying the Lord and as a result, saving mankind! Or Joseph, who went from being a slave to a king. That was ALL God. He was preparing me. Something that really encouraged me is the story of Moses.
In the book of Exodus, God says, “The Israelites cry for help has come to Me, and I have also seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. Therefore, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh so that you may lead My people, the Israelites, out of Egypt .’ But Moses asked God, ‘Who am I that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt ?’ He answered, ‘I will certainly be with you’ […](Ex. 3:9-12)
After leading the people out of slavery, they became trapped in the wilderness with an army behind them and the ocean in front. They were afraid and cried out but Moses had faith.
“Moses said to the people, ‘Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and see the Lord’s salvation He will provide for you today; for the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you must be quiet” Exodus 14:13-14
He had faith that God would work out the details. Big and small. God parted the Red Sea and the Israelites crossed on dry ground.
Alright, by now I'm starting to realize that I have no excuses. God uses totally ordinary people to bring glory to His kingdom. In fact, doing God's will is the sole purpose for my creation. Wow. It really isn't all about me. Dang.
It was time to start making something happen. If God can part the Red Sea, we can start a little Christian school.
I started by googling "How to start a Christian School?" Seriously. There are manuals.
After finding one I liked, I started following the steps. I spoke with founders of other schools, started asking around, brainstorming mission statements, scheduling the first public meeting and praying my brains out. I need to figure out what the Lord wants this school to look like. So far, this is what I know:
It needs to teach secular subjects from a Biblical perspective.
These kids need to learn scripture so they are equipped to defend and disciple when they go into the world.That although you may not like someone, you MUST love them and treat them with kindness. That ‘mean girls’ and bullies are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Love the unlovely.
The teachers, who are basically missionaries, have the important task of training students morally as well as academically. For example: “Lila is struggling with pride at school. She is putting down some other students because she is better at reading. Perhaps you can emphasize humility at home.”
School standards need to be biblical, not worldly. Kids need to know that sex before marriage is not just personal preference. That disrespect towards authority is not just “normal teenager behavior” or that it’s not ok to intentionally leave out someone because they are different.
These children need their innocence protected as long as possible. Especially these little girls!
We know that it needs to be a warm, cozy place in our community where love flows in and out. A place that reaches out to the people around us. A light in the darkness.
I feel very strongly that God is telling us to start a discipleship school. This means it is open to everyone and anyone regardless of their faith. I also believe it needs to be affordable. No one should be turned away based on their financial status. You shouldn't have to pay tons of money to learn about Jesus.
Now, how can you go wrong with that?
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