Friday, January 13, 2012

The Orange Dinner

On New Years Day, we decided to throw a little, last minute surprise birthday party for our dear friend, Ally. We invited some friends and family and made dinner. Everything was orange because this is her favorite color. Sweet potato mashers, macaroni and cheese, meatloaf (which stayed brown), and orange cupcakes. Everyone trickles in, one by one, two by two and all slowly realize that, GASP, we have no TV. Well there goes Sunday Night Football.

When we remodeled our house this summer, we wired extra outlets, seven feet up the wall, for a flat screen TV. Obviously, who wouldn't design their living room around the flat screen? That is absolutely normal. Then when we moved in, God told us to get rid of TV all together. It was so sad at first. On the bright side, now I have a handy place to put my Glade plug-in air-fresheners, seven feet off the ground, where Lila can't reach them. That's a custom house.
Well as a result, Kevin and I read. We talk. We pay attention to Lila instead of zoning out. We have dinner at the table. It has given us so much time together that used to go mysteriously missing. We would wonder things like, "why isn't our marriage growing?" or "why am I annoyed when Lila talks to herself on a volume reserved for only for megaphones and pterodactyls?" 
Because I would rather watch TV. I'm "relaxing". I'd rather not think. Or get up. I would rather watch some other life, than submit mine to God.

So as the guests of our orange dinner adjusted to the fact that they are going to have to converse with one another, guess what? They did. We ate dinner, drank wine and played board games, aggressively at times, and laughed and talked. We all smashed in the living room together and told stories. There wasn't the usual 'guys in the living room, watching TV', 'girls in the kitchen because they're talking too loud' divide. It was really fun.

You learn to be creative when you have less options and as a result, enjoy the fruits of your labor more. I have learned that this applies as a parent too. When Lila has a couple toys and a blanket to lay on, and no mama or cat or fancy contraption to entertain her, she has to come up with something else to do. This usually results in learning a new trick which gives her immense pleasure. Thanks to blanket time, Lila started rolling and scooting around. Thanks to the lack of TV, I started painting again. Kevin has been working out and as a result, his back is hurting him less. (I should probably start working out too but I'd rather paint with a sore back.)

God has totally rewarded our so-called 'sacrifice' with daily life that is so much more satisfying. Now reading the bible is relaxing. Praying gives me peace.  Talking with Kevin challenges me. Painting and writing bring me joy. Watching Lila chase the cat in her cruiser is my very own comedy channel. Seriously, kids are so funny. 

"Even more, those who hear the word of God and keep it are blessed!" Luke 11:28.

Logically, we know that God has our best interests in mind all the time. We know that our obedience will result in abundant life.

Funny that we don't listen to Him more, huh?

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